

Price Price on request
Condition Used - ready for use
Location 74613 Öhringen | Baden-Württemberg

Prices and product information

Price Price on request
Location 74613 Öhringen | Baden-Württemberg
Offer published on 29/03/2021
MachineryPortal ID 3459362


Type Backenbrecher
Model 1200 x 900mm
manufacturer PSP Prerov
to/h 400 to/h
Engine power (KW) 110 KW
Engine Electro

Backenbrecher Prerov , 1200 x 900mm , Einschwinger , E - Motor 110 KW / Turbokupplung,

sofort verfügbar

Gewicht 44 to

Contact seller

Seller: Follmann Industries
Location: 74613 Öhringen | Germany

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Seller: Follmann Industries
Location: 74613 Öhringen | Baden-Württemberg

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